The "Industrial Analytics of Things" (IAoT) is the analytical component of "Industrial Internet of Things" (IIoT). In the industrial setting, device and sensor technologies are rapidly becoming more intelligent and directly "on the net", bringing us more data from everywhere and needing to go anywhere.
"Industrial Analytics of Things" uses this data about your operations including materials, process conditions, product and production performance, customer feedback from the web, product and brand sentiment, everything you need no matter where it is located. We capture, validate, clean and filter, analyze, predict, adapt and optimize enterprise performance in real-time. Real-time optimization is proven to reliably improve performance 5-20% and sometimes much more. To deliver the "Industrial Analytics of Things", we are creating a new high performance distributed computing architecture that captures all this streaming industrial "big data" at its source and delivers awareness, understanding and predictive performance everywhere, anywhere, all the time.
We provide real-time optimization world-wide and we have historically achieved a 5-20% improvement in performance, regardless of the operation. In some cases a 500% increase. Other times we have taken a customer from a 40% pass rate to an award winning 100% perfect product every time. Regardless if you are a large or small company, this gives you a sizable boost to your bottom line. Other benefits include:
More than ever, industrial operations are producing operational data in larger volumes in real-time and with the "Industrial Internet of Things" it's coming from everywhere; controllers, sensors, test equipment, all sorts of devices found within your unit operations, plants, regions, labs, maintenance shops to name a few. In the future, fewer sensors will be hard-wired to control systems, but will become a shared resource of streaming data. This data needs to be captured, stored, validated, cleaned, synchronized, related, visualized, analyzed and shared to enhance your product, process and business performance.
The best way to handle all this data is to put analytics close to the source and aggregate it as needed. Some call this "Fog" computing, a low level cloud. Some call it "Warehouse Scale Computing", but here the "warehouse" is your entire enterprise. The tenents of such a system are:
What we need is to be able to place computing where it is needed, and performant, suited for the purpose, sitting where it needs to be, at a workcenter, inside a control panel, at a desk, in a lab, in a rack in a data center, anywhere and everywhere, all sharing related data to understand and improve your performance. While located throughout your organization, the system operates as a single unified resource, a distributed cloud that integrates with centralized clouds as they contain market and customer feedback, desires and behaviours that reflect product performance in the eyes of the customer. The characteristics of an Industrial Analytics of Things system are:
Capturing, historizing, validating, cleaning and filtering, integrating, analyzing, predicting, adapting and optimizing performance at all levels and across the enterprise in real-time requires High Performance Computing (HPC) power. This does not necessarily mean high expense, as commercial off the shelf standard PCs with the power of a typical laptop computer will suffice and the software running the system need not be expensive.
To architect such a system, we draw upon the experiences, architectures, tools and successes of such computing giants as Google, Amazon, YouTube, Facebook, Twitter and others. They have created robust high performance computing architectures that span global data centers. They have provided development tools and languages such as Google's GO (golang) that are well suited for high speed concurrent distributed processing and robust networking and web services. Having a similar need, but more finely distributed, we can adopt similar high performance computing architectures to deliver and share results where they are needed in real-time.
And so by standing on the shoulders of giants, and by drawing on our decades of experience in industrial analytics, we are assembling the "Industrial Analytics of Things" to deliver outstanding performance for your organization.
Join us in this journey. We are actively seeking commercial / industrial alpha and beta testers. Be a part of something new and exciting! Give us a call at 1-281-760-4007 or send us an email
Join us in this journey.
We are actively seeking commercial / industrial alpha and beta testers. Be a part of something new and exciting!
To learn more, give us a call at 1-281-760-4007 or send us an email
“The Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) is the next wave of innovation impacting the way the world connects and optimizes machines. The IIoT, through the use of sensors, advanced analytics and intelligent decisioning, will profoundly transform the way field assets connect and communicate with the enterprise.”
McRock Capital
“Advanced Analytics combines the power of physics-based analytics, predictive algorithms, automation and deep domain expertise”
Key Elements of the Industrial Internet
Peter C. Evans, General Electric